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Contact and Location

Kingsley Osteopaths
13 Kingsley Road
Hounslow, Middlesex

Telephone: 0208 577 9731
Email: [email protected]

Opening times

Clinic opening times:
Monday: 9am to 6pm
Tuesday: 9am to 6pm
Wednesday: 9am to 6pm
Thursday: 9am to 6pm
Friday: 9am to 6pm
Saturday: 10am to 2pm

Evening appointments by arrangement
Clinic Fees: £60 per 30 minute osteopathic treatment, sports massage £60 for 1 hour.

24 hours notice of cancellation please, otherwise a fee will be charged.

Kingsley Osteopaths
13 Kingsley Road
Hounslow, Middlesex
Tel: 0208 577 9731
Email: [email protected]